Equine Therapy

Therapy With Horses

OWR created the only equine therapy program in the area to have a Licensed Mental Health Professional, who is also a veteran, on location to provide mental health support. Research shows that using horses for equine assisted therapy assists veterans to heal from service related physical, emotional, and spiritual struggles. Our program is specifically designed to address veteran specific issues through the use of horses. The horses provides us with a very unique experience to learn how to become more self-aware, regulate the nervous system response, be in the present moment, build trust, confidence, connection, and more.


Weekly program occurs at 6-week intervals, coinciding with our Veteran Holistic Retreat schedule. Please contact us for more info.


North Port, Florida

Unconditional Acceptance

“At first, I thought it was not going to be much, but the connection that I made with my horse during the Equine Therapy session was amazing.”

“For a person who has had a fear of horses all my life, I can say with honesty that the staff at InStride and the Equine Therapy sessions were extremely helpful in overcoming my fear.”

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