Transforming Veterans to Health and Clarity

Services and Programs

Holistic Therapies for Veterans and Families

Our main goal is to immediately alleviate suffering for the veteran, their spouse and children in a way that’s gentle, effective and lasting.  Therefore, we make Brain Based Healing – The Cortina Method (TCM) available at anytime with a highly trained therapist. Complementary to TCM, we provide other mind and body, experiential approaches to healing such as equine therapy with horses and yoga classes designed to decrease anxiety. Our most popular program, the Veterans Healing Retreat brings together all of these innovative, holistic methods for veterans to experience over the course of five days.

If the veteran has been struggling, their spouse and children have also been affected. To support the family as a whole, we offer individual Brain Based Healing – The Cortina Method sessions to the spouse, marriage counseling as a couple and couples retreats to rebuild their connection and create a strong relationship. We also have a therapist who specializes in treating children so that the children also can receive much needed support.   

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